From Anxious To All-In 3-Day Confidence Building Event


You and your spouse want the shared adventure but have lots of apprehensions. With our help, you overcome doubt, worries over relationship changes, safety concerns, and self-judgment.



This in-person 3-day event is transformational. The Body Beautiful Event helps you to realize how wonderful your body is and how much it is loved–as is.

We also provide ways to enhance your body through non-invasive and minor medical options, both minor and major. But our focus is on minor and non-invasive.

The main benefit is reprogram your own belief system. You are looking at your current you through the same eyes that years ago were looking at your younger, less flawed self, and you are comparing yourself to that memory. That’s why you don’t love your body. But this is flawed thinking. Your husband, as well as others, see you as you are now. They like what they see. You can too. It takes work, it takes affirmations, and it takes changing your beliefs as to what constitutes sexy.

You will come away from this event more comfortable with your body, with your nudity, with your assets and with your flaws. Most importantly, you can come away loving yourself again. You deserve to love who you are. Join us and fall in love with the you your husband loves.