Fear Shredding And Boundary Setting Personal Call Package


You face uncomfortable conversations about your desires and the limits you wish to preserve. We facilitate those with 3 calls: one with you, one with your spouse, one with you together.



XPlore is a program to help you and your partner explore your mutual boundaries.

This program consists of 3 facilitation calls. You may use it to your benefit as you deem best, but the standard program consists of one call with you, one call with your partner, and one call with the both of you concurrently.

PURPOSE: We help you through the awkward and uncomfortable communication with your partner about your desires and your concerns. Facilitated communication can change the communication from sounding scary to your partner to being something they ponder rationally and discuss with both of your interests in mind.

We are experienced at facilitating discussions. We ask good questions and know when to let you talk. Our primary concern is to ensure your relationship with your partner remains solid while you expand your collective comfort zones. We are nonjudgmental and absolutely discreet.


  • We help you tell your spouse what you want to try.
  • We help you and your spouse establish your boundaries.

We help you tell your spouse what you want to try. What arouses you that you’re worried your spouse will reject. More importantly, we help you explain the why. We help you convey the benefit to them, and the benefit to you, and how you see this changing or not changing your current relationship. Lifestyles are nuanced. Your particular nuance needs to be explored and discussed.

We help you and your spouse establish your boundaries. Once you decide to expand beyond strict monogamy, the sky is never the limit. You have to work through scenarios with your spouse to establish what each want to be permissible and what each feel are no-go situations or activities. We help keep the discussion supportive and productive.

Most couples fall into one of two categories:

Those with one of the two forever wishing they could experienced a richer, more diverse, more fulfilling sex life yet never express that desire to their partner. Hence, it never comes to fruition save for those who opt to have an affair or to divorce.

Those who discuss having a non-monogamous episode and jump into it naively. The frequent result is that one or both feel uncomfortable, regret sets in, and no further exploration of non-monogamy ensues.

Xplore with us. Avail yourselves of our facilitation skills. Unlike a sex therapist, we are not trying to fix either of you. We believe non-monogamy is a healthy, safe, viable and FUN way to live a richer, more fulfilling life when done properly.  But we do not push it on couples who are not ready or will not flourish by doing so.