KeenKitty Recorded Lessons Library


You will want to review past you missed or need a refresher on when your comfort zone is being stretched. You get access to all our past calls and forthcoming video courses.



Access to the library of past lifestyle lessons.

The monthly live lessons are recorded and available to you. These are audio files only.  In order to preserve the anonymity of our clients, the video of Zoom meetings in which attendee videos are shown will not be posted to the library. Only the audio of the meeting will be available. Webinars in which attendees are not shown may be recorded as video with audio.

Use this to:

  • Accelerate your learning
  • Find lessons that match an upcoming situation
  • Listen to lessons that help with current challenges
  • Re-listen to a particularly good lesson
  • Use the audio to capture notes missed during the live meeting
  • Catch the lesson you had to miss