BraveKitty Monthly “Do-It” Challenge


You will love these series of progressively more risqué tasks that have you and your spouse stretching your comfort zones safely and (mostly) monogamously. It’ll light your fires.



A series of 12 progressive challenges that stretch your erotic comfort zone as a couple. This plan entails a bit of gamefication of your progression towards entering the lifestyle. Many couples find this to be a fun way to take baby steps that lead to greater sensual adventures.

The first step assumes a fully monogamous marriage with traditional low-adventure sex. You are given a two-part challenge each month that you and your partner are expected to fulfill within the following 30 days. The final month is a sensual encounter with a person new to you or your partner. The interim steps help you gain confidence and comfort with your nudity, with sensual outreach, with being slightly risque in front of others, with being photographed, etc.

Once per month calls check on the status of your past month’s challenge, soliciting results and comments from the group. Then you are given a new challenge for the forthcoming month, with the means of achieving the challenge fully described so that you understand what it entails.

This slow-paced progression allows ample time for acclimation to occur, as well as communication with your spouse at each minor step. Knowing the time for any actual encounter is many months away provides comfort to those new to the lifestyle.

And it’s just plain FUN. Why not make your entry into the lifestyle FUN. Join the Playwife Plan today.