MischievousKitty VIP Field Trip


You want to expand your sexual horizons with your spouse in a comfortable way. We accompany you and your spouse on a trip to a swing club or adult boutique and help you acclimate.



We escort you to a lifestyle event and accompany you throughout to help you acclimate and enjoy the experience. We pick the venue and opportunity. You go as our guests. You may participate or not as you feel comfortable. We ensure all of your boundaries are respected, both by us and by the other attendees. We debrief with you to discuss the experience and your comfort with it.

IMPORTANT: Because you are a client, no physical interaction will occur between either coach and you. Any interaction will be solely between you and other attendees if any interactions occur at all. As a lifestyle venue, opportunities will likely be presented but not by us. This bright line is inviolate. No exception.